Thursday 10 September 2015

World Suicide Prevention Day

Today is World Suicide Prevention day. Suicide is something which everyone ignores unless it is directly in their face - but if people can just spend one day considering how they'd like the world to act if it were them or someone they love who is affected by this awful act, then maybe that will be one step towards living in a world where people taking their own lives isn't a leading cause of death.

Suicide is surrounded by connotations of selfishness, shame and secrecy. It is seen as a choice for the weak, or only an option for those who have no hope in their lives. But that's not true; suicide could affect any of us, and any seemingly successful and happy person could be hiding a level of pain which means they genuinely find it hard to get from morning to night, every day.
Seeing as we don't know who that person is, take this time to remember that when you next casually refer to suicide as a joke, you don't know how much pain you might be putting someone in.

People often say of those who have passed away that if love could have saved them they would never have died. Well here we have a chance to make that come true; because if you show love to someone suicidal, it might stop them from dying. Doing be afraid to bring up the topic, don't be afraid to tell someone how much you love them, and please let us talk about suicide without being ashamed. Don't be scared to save someone's life.

World suicide prevention day shouldn't just be today, it should be every day.

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